article for male penis health

It's no secret that the penis is a symbol of male masculinity. No wonder that many men should maintain the health of this vital organ.
As published on the Boldsky page, Monday (12/26/2016) the penis is divided into four main parts, namely the penis shaft, foreskin (praeputium), penis head and meatus. The main function of the penis, in addition to sexual intercourse, is also procreation (removing sperm to produce offspring). For this reason, some foods also have a great effect on healthy penis, for example:


Bananas are rich in potassium which can improve blood circulation from the heart throughout your body, thus helping your penis to achieve better erections. consuming bananas every day is good for health


Spinach is also a good food for your penis, because it is rich in iron content which can certainly increase production
healthy blood cells in order to help erect.

3. Tomatoes

Research has said that tomatoes are rich in compounds known as lycopene. If men eat tomatoes regularly, they can keep your penis healthy and also prevent prostate cancer.


Watermelon is a fruit rich in a compound known as L-citrulline, which is an amino acid to help the penis be stronger and harder when erect.


Another healthy food for the penis is pomegranate, because it is very rich in antioxidants which can increase testosterone levels in the body to prevent erectile dysfunction.

6.Black chocolate

Black chocolate is known to increase the level of serotonin in your brain, which is a hormone to improve mood so you can increase libido and healthier erections.


Potatoes are vegetables that are rich in potassium which can improve blood circulation for strong erections.


Because it is rich in antioxidants, honey should not be separated from the men's daily diet because it can help keep your penis healthy.
that's some healthy food for your penis, because male penis health is the desire of all men to create a harmonious householdto read articles about penises you can see in the link below

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